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A "rabbit hole" is a metaphor for distractions that lead to all sorts of astonishing claims that lead to more distractions. The concept comes from Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland": Wonderland lies at the bottom of a rabbit-hole.

This website was set up for practical purposes. Distractions keep you from taking action.

Information, whether it's factually accurate or not, that doesn't produce enough benefit for the cost of pursuing it, doesn't belong here. Stuff like Freemasons, Illuminati, conspiracies involving the Catholic Church, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the belief that Federal Reserve Insiders put a hit on JFK because he issued silver certificates, the belief that Marx was an innocent dupe of Hegel (promulgated by Ayn Rand and her personality cult), the QAnon hoax, and so on.

It's not just a matter of factual accuracy, but also of relevance. The Freemasons really did sponsor two revolutions: the French Revolution, and the American. It's also true that until recently, US Presidents have tended to be either members, or at least associated with fraternities with ties to Freemasonry. But their power and influence have waned, and any artifacts of their existence remain nothing but historical footnotes. Kamala Harris definitely is not a freemason, and it's doubtful that Barack Obama Jr is one despite unsubstantiated rumors about a ring. While historians would do well to stop censoring their real historical role, that's their job, not ours. It adds almost nothing to our understanding of current world events.

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion appears to have been a hoax, not to mention full of outlandish claims. The idea that Jews would promote Nietzsche's philosophy to undermine morality is absurd on the face of it, not to mention based on a bad reading of Nietzsche.

John F. Kennedy really did sign Executive Order 11110 regarding Silver Certificates. It was a minor and routine matter, had nothing to do with replacing Federal Reserve Notes (rather the opposite), and was not a matter of concern to the central banks.

The belief that post-Modernity and Marxism all started with Hegel was a meme propagated by Ayn Rand and her groupies. It's patently absurd on the face of it. Try reading actual Hegel, instead of reading what someone claimed about him. Modernity and post-Modernity went in very different directions than Hegel, despite Marx weaponizing the concept of dialectic.

QAnon appears to have begun as an apparently well-intended hoax, that got out of control when the principals figured out ways to monetize it. It was always a horrible idea, especially to the extent that it encouraged passivity due to its exhortation to "trust the plan", and likely helped the deep state pull off the January 6th staged event.

This website will maintain a policy of avoiding topics that

  • are based on claims made without supporting evidence
  • appear to be hoaxes
  • have little or no relevance to current events
  • have a great deal of cost in terms of distraction, with no commensurate benefit

Your time on earth and your attention are valuable and limited resources; use them wisely.