Many of you have tried to talk to people you care about regarding safety of the experimental mRNA vaccines, but have become frustrated by the emotional over-reactions and total shut-down of reason.

The same dynamic is going on as if you've ever tried de-programming a cult member. It's the same phenomenon.

The deep state and its agents, like the corporate-state media complex, have been studying psychological manipulation ever since Ivan Pavlov discovered the phenomenon of classical conditioning around the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Most of their tricks are based on just a few psychological phenomena:

  • Neurons that fire together, wire together.
  • Behaviors that are rewarded are repeated.
  • Behaviors that are punished diminish.

Here are a few more observations that will help you understand what's going on:

  • Belief is a behavior. You'll tend to believe things that you're rewarded for believing.
  • The rewards and the punishments are themselves conditioned. If your parents give you a hug or a cookie when they praise you, then praise itself turns into a reward. That's obvious. What's not obvious is that the rewards and punishments start turning so subtle you don't recognize them.
  • More generally: the chain of conditioning is so pervasive and so subtle that you don't notice it. You might dislike someone for no better reason than that he bears a coincidental resemblance to the "bad guy" in a movie and, moreover, your feelings for the "bad guy" in the movie were themselves triggered with lots of conditioned associations being triggered, like scary music and various stereotypes that also have been previously conditioned.
  • Hollywood movies tend to be full of carefully-designed emotional conditioning designed for triggering later in circumstances unrelated to the original story premise. The movie Star Wars, for example, was designed to plant a lot of conditioning designed to trigger hostility against the traditional concept of the United States of America. George Lucas has gone on record admitting it. The Ewoks were inspired by the Viet Cong!

So, a lot of your friends and relatives have been primed to react to news reports and public service messages in an emotional way that circumvents rational thought.

Here are some tips for de-programming them:

  • Understand that you can't persuade them by logic and reason alone; your very attempt to do so will trigger the landmine of emotional responses that have been planted in their psyche.
  • Unfortunately, despite the urgency of the matter, you have to pace yourself. If you rush it, you'll trigger all those emotions like anger and fear. Give them no more information than they can handle without getting angry & shutting down.
  • Stay calm yourself, no matter what they say or do. I understand that's a tall order. Whoever stays calmer retains more access to creative problem-solving abilities. If YOU lose your temper, then you're acting robotically in a "fight or flight" mode, losing access to any other outcome that would require reason and creativity.
  • Work on those who are most receptive. Build up a network of allies who can help you influence with their own influence.
  • Start conversations with statements that they're likely to agree with. Solicit agreement first. This is extremely important!
  • Approach the conversation from an empathetic, kind, compassionate state-of-mind. Don't feel the need to try to prove anything. Show them that you care about them.

Aside from building agreement first, I'm starting from a different topic than safety. I'm starting with the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is a topic a little less emotionally-loaded. 

Here's a link to download some relavent documents on that topic: Consolidated origins documents