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This information is not a substitute for medical advice or attention; it's offered because you might not be able to get any medical attention. Inform your doctor if you develop symptoms of covid-19.

Israeli scientists noticed that covid-19 deaths are noticeably more common in Palestinian women, despite men being overall more vulnerable to covid-19. They traced the anomaly to low levels of vitamin D common among Palestinian women as the result of covering themselves head-to-toe in burkhas. Vitamin D supplements prevent the dangerous deficiencies, which are also common at high latitudes, in rainy climates, or in hot cities where people tend to spend all their time indoors to avoid the heat.

Japanese scientists noticed that consumption of natto (soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis) associated with better survival and overall outcomes. Natto is famous for being a source of the elusive MK7 form of vitamin K2. Your body uses MK7 to maintain structural integrity of arteries and lung tissues. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. You can take it as a supplement if you don't regularly eat natto.

C + zinc + ionophore (Quercetin or EGCG) hamper viral replication while your body mounts its own immune-system response. The idea is to give your body enough time to mount its own defense.


Optimal dosage will tend to depend on body-weight; dosages listed are commonly available & will be close enough to be useful for most. Taking these daily before infection may reduce the severity of symptoms later. Links lead to products offered by Amazon.com & are subject to breaking when offers discontinued (notify the webmaster).

Vitamin C500mg - 1600mg; liposomal preferred
Vitamin D3 +K2 combo2000IU - 5000IU D3, 100mcg
Zinc (_ate, not oxide)50mg; look for gluconate, picolinate, etc, not Zinc oxide

Quercetin or EGCG serve as ionophores to transport the zinc into your cells; you can take one or the other, but needn't take both.

Early treatment

"Early treatment" means "before the hypoxia sets in", as soon as possible after infection detected. Supplement stack similar to prophylaxis, but dosage of core anti-viral supplements increased.